Marriage’s flour and animal feed stockists.

This map is all the locations that were on the Marriage’s flour website, they removed the map, but we’d already scraped all the data from it, green pointers are shops that have pulled the products.

The three big wholefood wholesalers; Suma, Essential and Infinity all made commitments to suspend purchases of Marriage’s products.

The next big purchasers are the co-ops in the East of England, Abel & Cole and Ocado.

Please contact East of England Co-op and ask them to remove Marriages from their shops:
several Email addresses at the bottom of this page:

Abel and Cole facebook:


If any shops have pulled, please let us know and we’ll update the map:

We also have a spreadsheet with all the data of flour and animal feed suppliers that stock Marriages, you can download it here.

If you are in conversation with someone who stocks Marriage’s it’s worth showing them the initial expose, as proof:

There is further proof of the peanuts being loaded up into vehicles with badger cull cages on this link:

And there are questions that any supplier who is contacting the Marriages should be asking:

We are all volunteers, creating maps with hundreds of pins it takes quite a lot of time, if you’d like to support our work please consider buying us a cup of coffee for £3, it makes a big difference to us to be able to afford the work we do.
Thank you
Buy Stop the Cull a coffee.