Monthly Archives: December 2019

Fox hunters targeting marginal seats.

The Mirror is running with this story today.

“Stop the Cull” have been passed on these two emails sent out by the Pytchley with Woodland Hunt:

And the second email “Dawn Raid” makes them sound like they are soldiers involved in some kind of war:
A War On Wildlife.

Jay Tiernan, spokesperson for “Stop the Cull” commented:

The Tory parties true colours have been revealed by this internal email from a hunt anonymously passed onto us, The fanfare of the repeal of the hunting act being revoked from the Tory manifesto hides a hideous truth: fox hunting continues up and down the country much the same as it ever did before the ban and it is this status quo that the hunting community are now desperately clinging onto.

Whilst it is encouraging to see the hunting community so clearly terrified by Labour’s manifesto pledges for animals, We are deeply concerned that swing voters in marginal seats are now being targeted perhaps believing that the tory commitment not to overturn the hunting ban is welcome news.

voters across the country can now expect to be bombarded with Tory propaganda as fox hunters go door to door in marginal seats. We would urge anyone who comes across a tory leafletter to ask them why fox hunters are distributing for them.

The badger cull, fox hunting and the wide range of species killed on shooting estates for sport are a dark smear on our national identity and should have no place in a modern Britain, these bloodsports belong in the dark ages.

anyone who cares about animals shouldn’t be in any doubt as to who to vote for on December 12th,

we would say to anyone eligible to vote, that if you want to give the gift of life this christmas;
Get The Tories Out.

Jay Tiernan

Hunts known to be publicly linked to “Vote ok”:
Old Surrey Burstow West Kent
Pytchley with Woodland
East Essex

If you would like to help us counter the fox hunters tory propaganda campaign, please consider donating £3 or more via: Buy Stop the Cull a coffee.

And we will boost a post on our facebook page into marginal tory seats.