Badger Cull in jeopardy as Syntech is exposed.

The badger cull has 3 requirements: Humane, Safe and Effective.
The one which the police have shown continuous interest in is “safety”, armed people with guns being chased across the countryside has obvious safety implications. Which is why the shooters have always had to have some kind of tracker on them, in the early years it was tetra radio devices.
But after we revealed that we were using tetra detectors to track and find shooters, the devices were withdrawn, they had been paid for by defra at a cost to the tax payer of over £500,000. That was back in 2017.
In 2019 we revealed that the NFU had distributed trackers to shooters, again paid for by Defta at a cost to the tax payer of hundreds of thousands of pounds.
We kept digging and we found out that Syntech Systems run by Simon Orbell and his partner Lucy Orbell (nee Adams) has actually pulled in a contract for tracking devices costing the tax payer over £1million! Read through this document and check out page 8 for the accidentally unredacted cost:

They have interestingly renamed a product they are buying in, called the “TMT250” and renaming it “Halo360”, the British Government have actually advertised this weird trademark violation!
Halo360 is a professional grade GNSS personal or vehicle tracking solution. Open interfaces support simple integration with many types of tracking devices. Scalable & secure from a handful to 1000’s of users Halo360 provides realtime event notifications and detailed historical reporting through web browsers and Android, IOS & Windows apps.
Please as a matter of urgency contact microsoft and let them know about this company using their trademarked product (xbox 360 game console which is owned by microsoft has a best selling game called “HALO”). You can do that here:
More importantly please contact Simon Orbell, if he realises the strong opposition to the cull from all walks of life, maybe he would consider pulling the plug on the contract. Taking away the safety element of these tracking devices could delay the cull by weeks as we saw in the past, potentially it could stop the cull completely.
Ring him, call round his house, maybe do a banner drop outside his offices? Whatever you think may help persuade him, tens of thousands of badgers lives depend on you.
Simon Orbell
Littlefield, Mark Way, GODALMING, GU7 2BD
mobile: 07980 612 281
Syntech Systems Ltd
Mission Hall,
53a Woking Road,
01483 443800