Mr.Orbell gets 1am wake up call.

We have recieved this anonymous report, we are told that 20 people visited Mr.Orbell at his home at 1 am this morning, culminating in neighbours coming out wondering why airhorns were being blasted and finishing with a chant of “SHAME ON YOU, SIMON ORBELL”
Littlefield, Mark Way, GODALMING, GU7 2BD
mobile: 07980 612 281
This is their report, if you would like to know more about Mr.Orbell and Syntech, read through our news reports.

“When you attack wildlife expect resistance. When you take money to help with the murder of tens of thousands of badgers expect a lot of masked up people to show up to your house in the middle of the night. We know where you live Simon and Lucy and as long as you’re involved in the cull our interest in you will only increase.”
“The million pounds of taxpayers money that has been given to Syntech Systems run by Simon and Lucy Orbell to help murder badgers across our countryside is an outrage. Beautiful badgers will be shot across the countryside thanks to Simon. Badger families are being torn apart and my kids might grow up in a world without badgers if we keep this up. Shame on you Simon. I’d ask how you sleep at night but I know that at least last night you didn’t.”
“For me, this action was about two things: stopping the badger cull and sending a message to abusers hiding behind their companies–you’ve all got homes and we’ll be there making you feel as vulnerable as those you exploit. SHACtivists got targeted by the State because they refused to make change happen through a system structured to ensure they fail; they went around that system instead–and it worked.”
Simon Orbell is responsible for enabling the murder of thousands of badgers which is not only unnecessary, but unjust. We figured that if he was willing to enable the intimidation and killing of badgers, then we would pay him a visit and give him a taste of his own medicine!
It was so easy for a large group of angry masked up people to go right up to your front door. Think about that Simon. We saw you, too scared to come outside, peaking out your window and calling the police.
We are watching you.