Monthly Archives: January 2021

Jacob Rees Mogg favourite fox hunt about to fold.

Who’s laughing now?

On New Years Eve it was revealed that the notorious Mendip Farmers Hunt had left a device unsecured which had been accessed, it included a spreadsheet that was described as a “followers database“. That was turned into a map, uproar ensued with hunt followers on facebook getting very very angry and upset that it would lead to terrorism!

Weird cos they are big hard guys in the field, ganging up and attacking any sab no matter how much smaller they are in stature. The big hard men it seems are worried someone might ring them up and start asking them questions!! Something which is perfectly lawful.

Maybe the anger came from the frustration of not knowing how many files of theirs we actually have? Today we can reveal that we have minutes from their meetings and we can see why they are so on edge, they are close to collapse!
June Minutes download here.
November Minutes download here.

Check out this comment from June 2020 minutes:

Further on in the same minutes, the desperation is clear:

November doesn’t seem much brighter for them, with their only asset Bowery Bungalow looking like it will have to be sold to keep the hunt going:

Bowery Bungalow BA5 3DB

We understand that the thousands of pounds they usually earn from the Glastonbury festival is from working as stewards, we would suggest that charities such as Oxfam and Greenpeace who supply a number of festival stewards already should replace the Mendip Farmers.

This year’s Glastonbury festival is rumoured to be called off, but should it go ahead, if stewards start being questioned about their involvement in fox hunting, then Michael Eavis only has himself to blame for employing violent nutters in the first place.

Why not give Mr. Eavis a ring and ask him politely why he employs fox hunting thugs?

If you would like to help finish this hunt off, why not look through the spreadsheet or map and start making phone calls to people who live on farms?

If enough people make the calls then it may make a real difference, just a few farms pulling their land access to the hunt could be the final nail in the coffin for this hunt.