Monthly Archives: June 2022

Northamptonshire Farmers plan to kill badgers.

We received an anonymous tip off about a meeting for farmers to sign up to the badger cull in Northamptonshire, we sent someone along to see if they could get in;

video here:

This is the email that was sent out as an invitation to farmers:

Thank you for your continued support of our application for a wildlife control licence. We are very grateful and encouraged by the level of support the farming community has given for this licence application and we are now in a position to move forward and start cage trap training. To legally set and dispatch in cages, you must attend and pass a Natural England approved training session. This session will provide you with the techniques and skills enabling you to identify good trap locations and effective baiting techniques as well as covering the legal aspects of trapping badgers. The dispatch in cages is carried out with a 12-bore shotgun using frangible ammunition. If you do not have a shotgun certificate you can still train and become a set traps only (STO) contractor. We will then arrange for another person to dispatch any badgers you catch. We have arranged cage trap training sessions to be held near Blakesley on the following dates: Monday 13th June – 8.30am or 1pm or 6pm Tuesday 14th June– 8.30am or 1pm or 6pm Wednesday 15th June – 8.30am Please bring your shotgun certificate with you to the training (if applicable) as we are required to accurately record the details as part of the licence. Places on each session are limited, please book your place as soon as possible by contacting Megan by email: or by calling your sector lead. If you know of others who would like to train for cage trapping on your land or other land within the licence area, please ask them to contact us using the details above to book their place. We are also still holding training/assessments for controlled shooters. If you know of someone who you would like to carry out controlled shooting on your land, please send their details to us to the email address above. To be eligible to attend the training/assessment for controlled shooting the licensed firearms certificate holders must have a minimum .22 centre fire rifle with muzzle energy of 1,000 ft/lbs or higher and the bullet weight must be a minimum of 50 grains. They must have had a compliant rifle on their firearms certificate for at least 12 months and have no conditions on their licence. Sett Surveys As part of the licence all participating land must be sett surveyed by the 13th June. The sett surveys help us with planning for resource allocations and help contractors to start planning where they will most effectively set cages and carry out shooting. The sett surveys can be completed either by yourself, or if you know who will be covering your farm for trapping or shooting, please ask them to complete the survey for your land. We have included guidance on how to complete the sett surveys and a table which we ask that you complete and return to either your sector lead or by email to by the 13th June. Biosecurity Controlling the disease reservoir within the wildlife population is only part of the solution. We must also ensure that measures are taken on farms to reduce the spread of this disease from cattle-to-cattle transmission. There is a lot of useful information to help you to protect your cattle and business from TB available on the TB Hub: We encourage everyone to visit the TB Hub website when purchasing cattle to make informed decisions and to understand the sellers TB history: For free, bespoke advice on practical, cost-effective measures to reduce the risks associated with TB please contact the TB Advisory Service on 01306 779410 or email or visit their website We have enclosed the NFU’s biosecurity risk assessment which we ask that you complete and keep for your records. Security For security purposes you will NOT be contacted by anyone you do not know regarding this project. Your sector lead will be your main point of contact and if anyone i.e. NFU or Natural England do need to contact you, your sector lead will notify you in advance who will be contacting you and why. Remember: IF IT IS OUT OF THE BLUE, IT’S NOT FOR YOU We would like to stress that personal security is of paramount importance to us and it is therefore imperative that you keep all information regarding the control programme confidential. Please contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards, WNHH

Along with this email they sent a file on how to do sett surveying, you can read it here.