Monthly Archives: October 2016

A % of culled badgers to be tested for bTB this year.

On a bbc devon radio call in show yesterday, a lady called “Linda” phoned in, she was very sure that culled badgers were going to be tested for bTB this year. The presenter wanted to find out if this was correct and a researcher checked up with the NFU, who confirmed that a % of badgers will indeed be tested for bTB this year.

Why have the government and the NFU agreed to having badgers tested for bTB? because it will give them valuable PR. When the results are announced wether it’s 10% or 50% they will then extrapolate and come up with a simple sound bite that goes something like:

“This data finally proves beyond doubt that the british badger population is indeed heavily infected with bovine TB and culling is the only sensible answer”

What they will not say, is that an infected badger has a less than 30% chance of being infectious, nor will they go on to say that by culling badgers the infected and infectious badgers will be forced into new territories as they flee their setts that are being targeted.

The people in the anti badger cull community who have been calling for the testing of badgers for some years, have just handed an easy media victory to the NFU.

The only positive to come from this is that it will increase the cost of the culls and it’s unlikely that a number of badgers from the same area were tested before the cull, without a comparison it makes the testing a nonsense PR exercise.

Badger cull final days? propped up with sticks and held together with string

Three weeks ago on this site a prediction was made that the badger cull could fall apart, due to a lack of resources. But with two weeks to go we didn’t expect for the culls to be falling apart quite so badly as it is.

Shooters going out alone, is now a common site in a number of areas.
Police trying to tail saboteurs and keep them out of locations where shooters are working is common practice in more than one zone.
Shooters repeatedly and desperately attempting to get into areas where they know there are activists and numerous badgers.
A steady and sure drop in cages being found in cull zones, some of which were heaving with cages in the early weeks (many hundreds have now been flattened).

But of all these pieces of the jigsaw, pointing to cull catastrophe, none has prepared us for what was passed on to us today. We are assured this is not the work of children and they are not the first to be found. Totally unlawful and a clear indication of where the cull companies now stand.


propped up with sticks, this repaired cage was baited and set to kill.


cullers now knowing that their failure is so massive, are trying to put old pixied cages back together with bits of string and wire.

It’s time for the police and natural england to pull the plug on this tragic farce.

If they can’t or won’t put the cull companies out of their misery, then they mustn’t be allowed to limp along and perform god knows what cruelties to our wildlife in the process.

It’s down to us who engage in direct action, to knuckle down for the final two weeks and finish them off for good.

UKIP leader of Devon caught breaking the law.

Badger cull saboteurs were quick to act when they spotted a badger killer out at night all by himself, this breaches the badger cull guidelines on a number of points, making any attempts to kill badgers totally unlawful.

Sign our petition here:

Of course the police were quick to act and set out to question and harass sabs over the days following this incident, with two activists questioned under caution.

Strange the police haven’t arrested and charged Mr.Robin “dingbat” Julian, because not only was he out alone making any kill unlawful, and potentially lethal for anyone nearby, his rifle was left unattended and in the open on a quad bike. Having nowhere on the quad bike to secure the rifle he ended up driving off with it across his lap. A clear breach of multiple points of the home office firearms security guidelines.

The cull companies themselves direct shooters to pack up and leave any site as soon as protestors arrive. So why Mr.Julian decided to instead leave his rifle unattended and start having a go at people in a vehicle is a further mystery.

This video proves beyond doubt that Mr. Julian  has been caught red handed breaking the law. He has been spotted since this video was filmed, out again, at night by himself on his quad and been forced into packing up and going back to his farm by cull sabs.

Perhaps the fact that he’s a freemason has something to do with the police not being interested?


He’s certainly no stranger to controversy, just last year he claimed to have driven over 600 miles a week on average to claim a whopping £9,000 in travel expenses.


Please email Devon & Cornwall police ( and ask them to:

  1. prosecute him under the badger act
  2. immediately cancel his firearms licence
  3. never allow him to be licensed for any future badger cull

If you would like to contact Mr.Julian directly, please keep all calls & emails polite:

Mr. Robin Julian
Higher Wembsworthy Farm
Hartland, Bideford
Devon, EX39 6EN

Phone:  01237 441052     Mobile:  07801 956227


UKIP website:

Work website:


If you’d like to help us with a donation for fuel, you can donate here: