Monthly Archives: August 2020

Wakey, Wakey Mr.Orbell.

Anonymous report received this morning:
Night 3/3.
Simon and Lucy –
We sticker bombed your neighbourhood. Every Lampost, for sale sign, and road sign has stickers of badgers on. Your neighbours will be reminded that they have killers in their community every road they turn down. Unless you take them down promptly as we noticed you did the paint job on your drive way. Ashamed of the truth?

Not content with a simple stickering we hopped into to your garden and gave a nice wake up blast at 2am for you. We’ve been having a nice snoop around your home and getting to know you both very well. See you tomorrow!

Mr.Orbell gets 1am wake up call.

No rest for the wicked.

We have recieved this anonymous report, we are told that 20 people visited Mr.Orbell at his home at 1 am this morning, culminating in neighbours coming out wondering why airhorns were being blasted and finishing with a chant of “SHAME ON YOU, SIMON ORBELL”

Littlefield, Mark Way, GODALMING, GU7 2BD
mobile: 07980 612 281

This is their report, if you would like to know more about Mr.Orbell and Syntech, read through our news reports.

“When you attack wildlife expect resistance. When you take money to help with the murder of tens of thousands of badgers expect a lot of masked up people to show up to your house in the middle of the night. We know where you live Simon and Lucy and as long as you’re involved in the cull our interest in you will only increase.”

“The million pounds of taxpayers money that has been given to Syntech Systems run by Simon and Lucy Orbell to help murder badgers across our countryside is an outrage. Beautiful badgers will be shot across the countryside thanks to Simon. Badger families are being torn apart and my kids might grow up in a world without badgers if we keep this up. Shame on you Simon. I’d ask how you sleep at night but I know that at least last night you didn’t.”

“For me, this action was about two things: stopping the badger cull and sending a message to abusers hiding behind their companies–you’ve all got homes and we’ll be there making you feel as vulnerable as those you exploit. SHACtivists got targeted by the State because they refused to make change happen through a system structured to ensure they fail; they went around that system instead–and it worked.”

Simon Orbell is responsible for enabling the murder of thousands of badgers which is not only unnecessary, but unjust. We figured that if he was willing to enable the intimidation and killing of badgers, then we would pay him a visit and give him a taste of his own medicine!

It was so easy for a large group of angry masked up people to go right up to your front door. Think about that Simon. We saw you, too scared to come outside, peaking out your window and calling the police.

We are watching you.

Badger Cull in jeopardy as Syntech is exposed.

The badger cull has 3 requirements: Humane, Safe and Effective.
The one which the police have shown continuous interest in is “safety”, armed people with guns being chased across the countryside has obvious safety implications. Which is why the shooters have always had to have some kind of tracker on them, in the early years it was tetra radio devices.

But after we revealed that we were using tetra detectors to track and find shooters, the devices were withdrawn, they had been paid for by defra at a cost to the tax payer of over £500,000. That was back in 2017.

In 2019 we revealed that the NFU had distributed trackers to shooters, again paid for by Defta at a cost to the tax payer of hundreds of thousands of pounds.

We kept digging and we found out that Syntech Systems run by Simon Orbell and his partner Lucy Orbell (nee Adams) has actually pulled in a contract for tracking devices costing the tax payer over £1million! Read through this document and check out page 8 for the accidentally unredacted cost:

They have interestingly renamed a product they are buying in, called the “TMT250” and renaming it “Halo360”, the British Government have actually advertised this weird trademark violation!

Halo360 is a professional grade GNSS personal or vehicle tracking solution. Open interfaces support simple integration with many types of tracking devices. Scalable & secure from a handful to 1000’s of users Halo360 provides realtime event notifications and detailed historical reporting through web browsers and Android, IOS & Windows apps.

Please as a matter of urgency contact microsoft and let them know about this company using their trademarked product (xbox 360 game console which is owned by microsoft has a best selling game called “HALO”). You can do that here:

More importantly please contact Simon Orbell, if he realises the strong opposition to the cull from all walks of life, maybe he would consider pulling the plug on the contract. Taking away the safety element of these tracking devices could delay the cull by weeks as we saw in the past, potentially it could stop the cull completely.

Ring him, call round his house, maybe do a banner drop outside his offices? Whatever you think may help persuade him, tens of thousands of badgers lives depend on you.

Simon Orbell
Littlefield, Mark Way, GODALMING, GU7 2BD
mobile: 07980 612 281

Syntech Systems Ltd
Mission Hall,
53a Woking Road,
01483 443800

Inside the house.
precise location of the house.

Police leak reveals bias.

You can read the entire document here. It’s an interesting read and we hope to have much more coming from this particular source next week.

After recently releasing the start dates and locations of this years culls, we had staff from fieldsport news asking us which gov department our leak came from. We never have and never will reveal any information without the source being happy for us to publish, so we didn’t tell fieldsport news which department our mole is, nor would we tell anyone!

Many people also have the mistaken idea that we only have one or two sources of information the reality is that we have multiple sources, some of those give us info willingly other sources we glean the information from a variety of surveillance techniques.

This particular leak is obviously from within the police force, but how we came about it is our business! the source will ALWAYS be protected.

We are a small group of volunteers, if you would like to support our work please consider buying us a cup of coffee, thank you.


With a huge leak of hundreds of shooters home addresses, mobile numbers and email addresses, we now need your help.

What we need to know is ANYTHING! their facebook, twitter, instagram, work details, where they went to school, their birthdays, criminal records, dirty secrets, whatever you know about them or can find out let us know:
If you don’t think you can help, think again! searches of email addresses and names all take time, it’s something you can do from home.
Here is the recent leak of shooters (google repeatedly removed the map after multiple legal requests, so the maps are now hosted safely on our own server)

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This map below is for directors of badger cull zones across the country:

The map ID you have entered does not exist. Please enter a map ID that exists.

If you are looking for farms in your local area that are within a badger culling area, this 2019 map of dairy farms is a good place to start, not all dairy farms within cull zones are signed up, but we would estimate over 90% are.

We are a small team of volunteers who aren’t paid, we regularly make national press and tv news stories, government bodies like Defra and lobbying groups often try to shut us down, but we continue undeterred.
If you would like to support us, please consider buying us a cup of coffee, thank you.

Badger cull leaks, reveal killers and new zones.

We have received several documents and chunks of data in the last few days, most significantly the new areas and when they start:

So the culling of vaccinated badgers will begin in Derbyshire in the coming weeks, in total 64,657 are being targeted to be killed across the country.

We have also been given a comprehensive list of badger cull killing contractors, they kill badgers often for as little £10 each and frequently spend multiple nights out without killing any, truly the dregs of society.

If you want to help badgers during this cull, one thing you can do that will definitely help is to buy a cheap phone, then fill the contacts with numbers from this map. If they are answering calls, they can’t shoot badgers, they work very late into the night, so don’t worry about waking them up.

The NFU have been working hard to remove the map, by complaining to google they managed to get gmaps to repeatedly unpublish the maps, sometimes in hours. To rectify that we have uploaded the map data to our own server. So hopefully our maps on this website will never disappear again.

If you would like to support us, please consider buying us a cup of coffee for £3.

The map ID you have entered does not exist. Please enter a map ID that exists.

If you would like to get involved in helping to protect badgers, please contact Badger Action Network, they will hook you up with your nearest group.